Saturday, 9 April 2011


This is my groups story board, myself and alex worked really hard to make this look as good as we could as we knew that this would make it easier when we needed to film, we have confirmed that we can film at tatton hall and this is great as we have been before we know what types of decore and 'mise-en-scene' there is inside.

This is the first shot and it just shows the titles coming up onto the middle of the screen and these will then slowly fade away leaving an establishing shot of tatton hall in the background setting the scene so people will know where we are now based.

This is the second scene and it shows tatton hall, there will be quiet music playing over the background this is a medium long shot of the hall allowing people to see and possibly associate themselves with the hall.  the music being played will be quite creepy maybe violins, and other string instruments to build the tension, the scene will then jump cut to the next.

This third shot is a medim shot of the front door to tatton hall and this will slowly open, if the door doesnt creak then this will have to be a sound effect added later in editing.  again this is a stereotype that haunted houses are creaky and this again will help build tension, the door will be centred in the middle of the frame.

This shot will be quite long in time however alot of editing will be used, when researching we thought of a great idea to show off the hall quickly whilst looking professional, we will use the camera and walk around the hall into all the rooms and then stop in a haunted room, we will then speed this up after to show a really quick walk around, we will put a voiceover the top introducing the rooms and the stories.

This shows 2 different choices we thought we would put both in, we know that there are old bookcases and rooms inside so we know that we could shoot the interview in there showing it is old and this would link as it would be filmed in a spooky room, or we could shoot it outside however we have already had a shot from outside at the beggining so it may be best to shoot the interview indoors.

When researching again we seen in shows like ours that people used reconstrusctions not only to scare people but also to fill the space and also show that people are actually seeing what we are reconstructing almost giving the documentary a sense of authenticity.  there will be scary music on quitly and sound effects added later in editing. 

This is the last shot on the story board and it is showing the camera set up on a tripod and the sun going down, we have ecided to show this as it will show clearly that it is now nightime, as the next scene will be at nightime, this also shows that the narrative is runing in a linear timeline from day through the night.