Monday, 12 September 2011

Formal proposal

There are a few topics running through our documentary, the most important theme is ghosts and the supernatural. these themes are throughout the documentary and there are other sub themes/genres such as horror and real life documentary.
There are two types of documentary featuring in this film, it is mainly an expository documentary we will have the voice of god narrating the documentary and help it move along smoothly however it is also partly a participatory documentary. it will be participatory because it will be us in the interviews asking people the questions and it will also be us should we go and collect real footage.
From our questionnairre we know that the channel best suited for this documentary would be skyLiving at 9 oclock out audience must have felt this was a suitable time and channel as people know this chanel is for these type of films.
Our target audience is people from the age of 16-26 we feel that this is a really good age group and we think that at this age people are more open minded about supernatural and topics such as this.
the main primary research in the documentary will be our interviews that we undertake and set up and the footage that we collect and edit should we choose to go onto location and shoot first hand footage. We will be doing secondary research by looking at films such as paranormal activity and finding out statistics from around the globe about what peoples beleifs are in the supernatural, our music is also included in this category.
The narrative is going to be alomst like a timeline starting from one point and ending when we reaqch the conclusion it is strictly linear. we will be using

Vox populi interviews, which translates as voice of the people, Type of documentary like expository and participatory, archive footage and music e.g. diagegetic and syncronus sound. 
We will need cameras, tripods we may need flashlights if we choose to go out on location at night to film a haunted location.

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