Thursday, 2 June 2011

Running order

Running Order
Documentary: Ghosts, Ghouls and Paranormal Happenings
Channel: Living
Scheduling: Monday 31st October
Duration: 28 minutes including advert break

Montage of clips of what is coming up in the documentary. Snippets of interviews, locations, videos and still images.

The Documentary title appears on location shot, the title (graphics) fade or break away as the camera jump cuts to have the location in the centre of the shot.
The door of the location will creak open and the camera will zoom through.

Fast Motion handheld, the camera will explore the building/location this introduces the setting. Voiceover introducing the location.

As the Fast Motion stops the first interviewee will be shown stood either in a room or outside the location.

Interviewee will explain any paranormal happenings that happened at this location.

Reconstruction of the paranormal happenings.

The sun setting fast motion (elliptical editing) to night time, the camera crew and others are shown walking around the location at night with torches kind of like a ghost hunt, handheld to stay with the action.

A spiritualist interviewed explaining if they can feel a presence.

Further walking around the location handheld camera movement to stay with the action.

A shot of a séance/ Ouija Board handheld camera movement to stay with the action.

Advert Break

After advert break handheld (steadicam) walking through a graveyard. Voiceover statists of paranormal beliefs.

Vox populi interviews.

Voiceover explaining how these superstitions have inspired Hollywood cinema, paranormal activity, Ghostbusters movie archive material.

Fast Motion birds eye view over countryside leading to Chillingham Castle one of the most haunted castles in England.

Voiceover ghost story about the castle.
Sun setting elliptical editing, cut to spiritualist interview explaining some sort of presence in the castle.

Camera crew, film makers walking around the castle.

Sun rising elliptical editing, interview with spiritualist who adds on to the paranormal happening that happened at the castle in the night. Cutaways of images taken in the night, apparition shown and orbs.

Voiceover balanced argument of people who believe in ghosts and those who are sceptical.

To finish montage of paranormal experiences archive material (videos).

These are the different types of texts that we asked our target audience not only what type of text they would like but also what they think would be best for our paranormal documentary.

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